Sponsored by the NC State Bar Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel
Friday, October 28, 2022
9 a.m. – 4:35 p.m.
UNC School of Law | Chapel Hill, North Carolina
All attorneys and paralegals are welcome, to include military and civilian attorneys and paraprofessionals. Nationally renowned experts will provide the instruction.
Topics will cover legal issues common to military members and families:
- Consumer Law in Military Legal Assistance
- Military Disability Benefits
- Family Law
- Estate Planning
- Emerging Issues in Military Legal Assistance
- Mental Health and Client Counseling
Although this program is offered on a complimentary basis, the North Carolina State Bar requires payment of a $3.50 fee for every credit hour reported. North Carolina attorneys may pay the fee via the registration form linked above, and both the fee and record of attendance will be submitted to the North Carolina State Bar CLE Division. Attorneys may also self-report to any state, but neither the LAMP Committee nor UNC are responsible for any aspect of self-reporting.
The North Carolina State Bar has approved the program for 6.0 CLE credit hours, to include 5.0 hours of General Education and 1.0 hour of Mental Health/Substance Abuse. Attendees seeking CLE credit from other jurisdictions are individually responsible for obtaining the requisite approval(s).
This program is offered in-person at UNC School of Law (Van Hecke-Wettach Hall). Remote attendance is not available. This event is subject to the University of North Carolina COVID-19 Community Standards, which can be found at https://carolinatogether.unc.edu/communitystandards/.